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If you didn't get what you've been told...Work with what you got!

Welcome to Sagittarius ABZ profiles. We are poker players who teamed up to give life on a product that seemed could never work. We are a team of like-minded and determined individuals, all sharing a vision for success. And that success finally came. We created profiles for Sagittatrius ABZ that do work, but no one ever really could take the endless amount of time that is needed. To study, structure, test, invest and then again study, re-structure, re-test, re-invest etc...

All members of our team, expressed the same feelling when we first met...We felt dissapointed and  deceived. So what was the next step? I guess anyone would QUIT!!!

But that wasn't the case for us...We managed to turn the situation around.

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Enthusiasts. Innovators. Dreamers.

SagittariusABZprofiles is founded by people like you. Poker players that wanted to take their game to the next level. We wanted to create strategies in ABZ but things didn't quite work as they should...So we wrote down everything in paper and started solving each individual condition to get the bot do what we actually wanted.


And we did it! We have put in endless hours to structure, test and observe, just to see if our conditions would work. Nobody could really take this trip alone. The amount of time is, ENORMOUS. So in this spot, I would like to say a few words about how grateful and lucky we were to create our team.I'm sure as I write this guys, you all know what i mean...THANK YOU!

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Your Imagination Is The Only Limit.

What we offer at SagittariusABZprofiles, is our structured profiles to help poker players achieve greater success. To focus only on improving their game and not spending time on how to become computer specialists. In other words...We give you the canvas and the colours. It's only up to you, what you really want to draw. Not to mention, that the packs also contain strategies, that are far way better than a starting point. Like I said, "possibilities are endless".

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"Artificial intelligence is about replacing human desicion making with more sophisticated technologies."

Falguni Desai

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